How do you teach the history of sexuality in an academic environment that is increasingly defined by digital processes and ways of interacting? NOTCHES: (re)marks on the history of sexuality invites submissions for a special issue on the challenges and potentialities of teaching with the digital humanities. We welcome short entries (500 – 750 words) discussing the ways that digital methodologies and environments shape pedagogical approaches to the history of sexuality. Your contributions might cover but are not limited to:
- Using databases or digitized source material in lessons
- Incorporating digital humanities methods like distant reading, topic modeling, GIS, and data visualization into your teaching or historical practice
- Using social media (twitter, Facebook, Wikipedia and online forums) to structure teaching, learning and writing assignments
- Presenting ideas and research through podcasts, videos, blogs, wikis, or web exhibitions
NOTCHES is an international, collaborative, open-access, peer-reviewed history of sexuality blog. With more than 170,000 views, NOTCHES is at the centre of international conversations about historical research and teaching of the history of sexuality. Submissions should be sent to Agnes Arnold-Forster at by July 1, 2015. Submissions from outside of North America are especially welcome.

NOTCHES: (re)marks on the history of sexuality is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
For permission to publish any NOTCHES post in whole or in part please contact the editors at
Reblogged this on Knitting Clio and commented:
Thinking of submitting something for this CFP