What is the relationship between music and sexuality and how has it changed over time?
NOTCHES: (re)marks on the history of sexuality is seeking short essays (1000 – 1500 words) exploring the historical relationships between music and sexuality. We welcome blog posts; interviews with scholars, archivists, musicians, performers, producers and activists; as well as submissions to our “Archives of Desire” series in which historians write 750 word essays reflecting on specific primary sources and their value in understanding histories of sexuality. We encourage submissions that focus on periods before the 20th century.
Possible topics for historical exploration include but are not limited to:
- Audiences, fans, subcultures
- Composers, producers and songwriters
- Musical genres, sexual communities and sexual identities
- Dancing and other sexualized forms of ‘musicking’
- Changing representations of gendered sexual desire in music
- The music industry and the commercialization of sexuality
- Censorship and sexual politics
- Stardom, celebrity and sexuality
- Intersections of music, sexuality and race
- Performance spaces as sexualized spaces (e.g. clubs, concert halls, taverns and bars)
Style and image guidelines:
- Submissions should be written for a non-specialist and international audience. Therefore, avoid jargon and use hyperlinks wherever possible to clarify terms or concepts that may be unfamiliar to a general readership.
- Include at least one relevant image for which you have obtained permission and caption your image with clear attribution information. We also welcome your use of a range of sources such as movies or sound files.
- Include a short author bio including hyperlinks with your submission.
Proposals and queries are most welcome. Send submissions to Gillian Frank (gfrank @ princeton.edu) by April 15, 2016. All submissions to NOTCHES will go through an internal peer review process prior to publication.
Gillian Frank is a Managing Editor of NOTCHES: (re)marks on the History of Sexuality. He is currently a Visiting Fellow at the Center for the Study of Religion and a lecturer in the Program in Gender and Sexuality Studies at Princeton University. Frank’s research focuses on the intersections of sexuality, race, childhood, and religion in the twentieth-century United States. He is currently revising a book manuscript titled, Save Our Children: Sexual Politics and Cultural Conservatism in the United States, 1965-1990. Gillian tweets from @1gillianfrank1.

NOTCHES: (re)marks on the history of sexuality is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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