Even as Carl Corley wrestled with classifications, he created a rare visibility for rural queer people.
Steel Closets: Voices of Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Steelworkers
If scholars look for what we think of as gay people, we’ll miss many of the queer pleasures and possibilities that exist.
Transnational Homosexuals in Communist Poland: Cross-Border Flows in Gay and Lesbian Magazines
Early gay and lesbian activism in Poland formed around the publication of DIY magazines.
The World and Other Unpublished Works of Radclyffe Hall
New archival materials that broaden and complicate our understanding of Radclyffe Hall.
Queer History in the Divided City: A New Approach to Digital Mapping
St. Louis’s queer geography complicates patterns of racial polarization.
Troubling Terms: The Label Problem in Transgender History
Does the question of language get to the heart of trans history as a field?
Responses to the Medicalization of Transsexualism
Many in the trans community feared the power that a psychiatric diagnosis lends professionals over trans lives.