Leigh Bowery’s nightclub Taboo is mythologised as London’s most decadent nightclub of the 1980s.
(Safe) Sex, Leather and Zines: Lisbon’s GayClub and early HIV/AIDS information activism
Joana Matias Tradition says that when the first Portuguese celebrity rumored to have contracted HIV, queer pop icon António Variações, passed in 1984, the fear of contagion was by then so entrenched that the authorities ordered his coffin be sealed. But gay men fortunate enough to get their hands on […]
Reproduction in Transition: Fertility Technology in the Lives of Sexual and Gender Minorities
LGBTQ+ people utilizing fertility technologies may face discrimination, prejudice, and the need to balance a trajectory of gender affirming medical care with prenatal care.
The ‘Chosen Family’ Dinner: A non-normative insight into queer homemaking
At the bookshop Libreria a table is set for dinner, but unusually the books are complemented by plates painted with plump juicy peaches and bowls drawn with cocks.
“Homosexual Hearers” and Queer Musicality in Xavier Mayne’s The Intersexes (1909)
In The Intersexes (ca 1909), Edward Prime-Stevenson used gossip to support his queer readings of 19th-century symphonic music.
“The best fighters of each other’s oppressions”: Trans and Non-Trans Solidarity in Lesbian Communities
There is a rich, but often overlooked, history of affinity and solidarity between trans and non-trans lesbians.
“Beyond the Law”: The Politics Ending the Death Penalty for Sodomy in Britain
Beyond the Law focuses on the multiple ways various groups of individuals in the early nineteenth century understood what sodomy was, and what constituted an ethical response to it.