NOTCHES is seeking a layout editor to join our team.
History of Sexuality
NOTCHES Vacancies: Apply for Social Media Editor and Layout Editor positions
NOTCHES is looking for new editors.
German, Jew, Muslim, Gay: The Life and Times of Hugo Marcus
German, Jew, Muslim, Gay illuminates the complexities of twentieth-century Europe’s religious, sexual, and cultural politics.
Toward an Anti-racist History of Sexuality
NOTCHES’ commitment in working toward an anti-racist history of sexuality.
‘Good on the Romans!’ Museum Visitors Reflecting on Cultural Attitudes to Sex
How does the public display of erotic artefacts from the past help modern visitors to reflect on their own attitudes to sex and sexuality?
Reflections on the #MeToo movement from the NotchesBlog crew and friends.
CFP: Topics in Public History and the History of Sexuality
How do public historians engage with histories of sexuality?