Beardedness in nineteenth-century Britain had definite implications for manliness and sexuality.
United Kingdom
"The buggers are legal now, what more are they after?" A trade union moment
CHE was not the only organisation to be engaging with the question of being gay – or openly gay – in the workplace.
‘Dinnae Meddle!’*: Scotland and the Historiography of Homosexual Law Reform
Scotland was not included in the 1967 Sexual Offences Act.
Glad To Be Gay in Scarborough (1980)
Lesbians and gay men could begin to participate in union activities to make the workplace habitable for everyone.
What should LGBT History Month say about Empire?
Robert Baden-Powell, Cecil Rhodes and Lawrence of Arabia have three things in common.
A Bit of Casual Sex Up North: And What it Could Mean to the History of Sexuality
Lots of working-class men having sex with each other in fields, behind pubs, at each others houses and, perhaps most significantly, at work.
LGBT History Month: Are We Celebrating or Relegating LGBT History?
There has been little question as to whether having a single month devoted to discussing such histories is actually regressive