When the UK government proposed the criminalization of queer personal ads.
United Kingdom
Historians are gossips who tease the dead
I was a gossip, teasing the dead.
Ian Paisley (1926-2014) and the ‘Save Ulster From Sodomy!’ Campaign
Religion and sectarianism long shaped the sexualities and lives of LGBT people in Northern Ireland.
Jack the Ripper: Case Never Closed
Why does Jack the Ripper generate so much popular interest?
Thatcher and Homosexuality: Waiting for Section 28
There was an exquisite cruelty about the way her remarks were directed towards the opposition Labour Party.
(Sexual) Labour Day
Researching prostitution makes Julia Laite more of a labour historian than a historian of sexuality.
Gender, Sex and Sexuality in 20th-Century British History: Some new directions
The symposium demonstrated the continued vitality of research into gender, sex and sexuality in modern British history