The Politics of Sexuality in Latin America a timely, pioneering contribution to the literature on non-heteronormative sexualities in Latin America.
What will .GAY stand for?
The new domains will identify websites as LGBTQ even at the basic level of internet structure, an important step forward for queering the internet.
Disputing ‘Gay Jim Crow’: Rhetorical Appropriation in LGBT Politics
‘Gay Jim Crow’ invests in false equivalence by appropriating continued struggles of people of color in the United States.
The Gay Jim Crow – The legal history behind "religious freedom" to discriminate
Are Arizona and other states using ‘religious freedom’ to create the ‘Gay Jim Crow’?
"The buggers are legal now, what more are they after?" A trade union moment
CHE was not the only organisation to be engaging with the question of being gay – or openly gay – in the workplace.
Out in the unions
The core message which I learned from GLF was that gay people should come out about their sexuality as much as they could.