Brian Trump, Hinni Aarninsalo, Desiree Abu-Odeh & Alexie Glover
The 131st Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association (AHA) takes place January 5-8, 2017 in Denver, Colorado. This year’s theme—“Historical Scale: Linking Levels of Experience”—promises fascinating panels and papers exploring the history of sexuality, gender, and the body. We have collected a list of these panels, many of which are part of a mini-conference offered by the Committee on LGBT History (CLGBTH). Of special note is the series of panels supported by CLGBTH and the Oral History Association honoring the life and work of Horacio N. Roque Ramírez.
Thursday, January 5
1:30 – 3:00 PM
Family/Business: The Private Sides of Business and Empire in Antebellum America
Director’s Row H (Sheraton Denver Downtown, Plaza Building Lobby Level)
- Chair: Ellen Hartigan-O’Connor, University of California, Davis
- “‘A Worthy Young Man with Handsome Prospects before Him’: Financial Calculation and Marital Property in Early America”
— Lindsay Keiter, Colonial Williamsburg Foundation - “‘Your Obedient Servant’: Family and Business Culture in the Antebellum US”
— Mandy Cooper, Duke University - “‘Give My Regards to Mrs. Glen’: The Business Networks of Slave Traders’ Wives”
— Alexandra Finley, College of William and Mary - “More Than a Gaze and an Exchange: North American Women in Mexico and Cuba, 1830–50”
— Rikki Bettinger, University of Houston
Feminist Visibility in the Long 1970s
Governor’s Square 15 (Sheraton Denver Downtown, Plaza Building Concourse Level)
- Chair: Natasha Zaretsky, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
- “More Than a Fist: Shirley Chisholm as a Feminist and a Symbol”
— Anastasia Curwood, University of Kentucky - “Feminist Invisibility in the 1970s: Race, Region, and Representations of Patsy Takemoto Mink”
— Judy T. Wu, University of California, Irvine - “A Feminist Script: Ann Marcus and the Politics of Writing for Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman”
— Kate Flach, University of California, San Diego
Incorporating Queer History into Latin American Survey Courses: A Roundtable
Mile High Ballroom 1A (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: Nicholas L. Syrett, University of Northern Colorado
- Pablo E. Ben, San Diego State University
- Benjamin A. Cowan, George Mason University
- Zeb Tortorici, New York University
- Heather A. Vrana, Southern Connecticut State University
A Vicious Turn in Global History: Fighting Drinks, Drugs, and “Immorality,” c. 1850-1950
Plaza Ballroom A (Sheraton Denver Downtown, Plaza Building Concourse Level)
- Chair: Antoinette Burton, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- “Eradicating the ‘Scourge of Drink’ and the ‘Unpardonable Sin of Illegitimate Sexual Enjoyment’: M.K. Gandhi as Anti-vice Crusader”
— Harald Fischer-Tiné, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich - “A Moral Quarantine: The FBI’s White Slave Division, 1910-17”
— Jessica R. Pliley, Texas Tech University - “‘Hey, GI, Want Pretty Flower Girl?’: Venereal Disease, Sanitation, and Geopolitics in US-Occupied Japan and Korea, 1945-48”
— Robert Kramm, University of Konstanz
3:30 – 5:00 PM
Queer Scholars and Scholarship on the Job Market: A Roundtable
Mile High Ballroom 1D (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: Nicholas L. Syrett, University of Northern Colorado
- Julio Capó Jr., University of Massachusetts Amherst
- April Haynes, University of Wisconsin–Madison
- Jen Manion, Amherst College
- Allison Miller, Perspectives on History
- Amy H. Sueyoshi, San Francisco State University
San Francisco in 1967: The Summer of Love Revisited
Plaza Ballroom A (Sheraton Denver Downtown, Plaza Building Concourse Level)
- Chair: William J. Rorabaugh, University of Washington
- Michael Wm. Doyle, Ball State University
- David Farber, University of Kansas
- Gretchen J. Lemke-Santangelo, Saint Mary’s College of California
- Sherry L. Smith, Southern Methodist University
Sex, Violence, and Honor in Modern Italy
Governor’s Square 15 (Sheraton Denver Downtown, Plaza Building Concourse Level)
- Chair: Mary S. Gibson, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
- “Honorable Murder: The Delitto d’Ornore and the Zanardelli Code of 1890”
— Steven Hughes, Loyola University of Maryland - “The Crime of Honor: An Italian Story”
— Ernesto De Cristofaro, University of Catania - “Legalized Rape and Beyond: The ‘Fuitina’ Tradition in Sicily”
— Antonella Vitale, City University of New York
Friday, January 6
8:30 – 10:00 AM
Catholicism, Slavery, and Young Men on the Loose: Perceived Threats to the Family in Antebellum America
Governor’s Square 14 (Sheraton Denver Downtown, Plaza Building Concourse Level)
- Chair: Corinne Field, University of Virginia
- “All Happy Families: Anticonvent Propaganda, Domesticity, and the American Family Ideal, 1830–60”
— Cassandra Yacovazzi, University of Missouri–Columbia - “The Confidence Man in the Family: Male Ambition and Domestic Conflict over Westward Migration in Antebellum America”
— William Wagner, University of Colorado Denver - “‘Slavery Annihilates the Matrimonial Institution’: Abolitionists and the Threat to the American Family”
— Paula Hunt, University of Missouri–Columbia
Children as Migrants, Converts, and Mothers: Using Age as a Category of Analysis to Link Historical Experiences
Mile High Ballroom 1C (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: Rebecca de Schweinitz, Brigham Young University
- “Convicted, Kidnapped, or Compelled: Age as a Category of Analysis in Early Modern Migration”
— Kristen McCabe Lashua, Vanguard University of South Carolina - “‘Nurseries of the Church of God’: Sunday Schools, Childhood, and the Expansion of Evangelicalism in the Early American Republic”
— Elise Leal, Baylor University - “Little Mothers: Precocious Puberty in 20th-Century Peru and Beyond”
— Bianca Premo, Florida International University - “‘Suffer the Little Children’: US Foreign Policy, Unaccompanied Migrants, and the Geopolitics of Compassion in Postwar America”
— Anita Casavantes Bradford, University of California, San Diego
Leathermen, Deep Throats, and the Best of Both Worlds: The 1970s and Sexual Chic in the United States
Mile High Ballroom 1B (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: Christopher L. Agee, University of Colorado Denver
- “SM Chic: The Emergence and Growth of SM Community in the 1970s”
— Stephen K. Stein, University of Memphis - “Untangling the Tingle: Deep Throat, ‘Deep Throat,’ and the Symbols of Cultural Production”
— Michael Daniel Goodnough, Kent State University - “Buy the Bi: Selling Bisexual Chic in the 1970s”
— Joel Edward Baehler, Kent State University
In Honor of Horacio N. Roque Ramírez, Part 1: Oral History as Queer Archive: Listening with Horacio N. Roque Ramírez
Mile High Ballroom 1A (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: Stephen Vider, Museum of the City of New York
- Lauren Gutterman, University of Texas at Austin
- Griselda Jarquin, University of California, Davis
- Kristyn Scorsone, Rutgers University, Newark
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Fetish and Fantasy in Colonial Latin America
Mile High Ballroom 1B (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: Martha Few, University of Arizona
- “Archiving the ‘Obscene’: Juan Esteban Pérez’s Erotic Religious Fantasies and the Mexican Inquisition”
— Zeb Tortorici, New York University - “Unnatural Desires and Transgressive Fantasies: José Ignacio Eyzaguirre’s General Confession and the Knowledge of the Body, 1799-1804”
— Martin Bowen, New York University Abu Dhabi - “The World’s Oldest Fantasy: Selling Virginity on Mexico City Streets”
— Nicole von Germeten, Oregon State University - “Diego de Landa, Mel Gibson, and the Fantasy of the Abject Sadomasochist in the Maya World”
— Pete Sigal, Duke University
In Honor of Horacio N. Roque Ramírez, Part 2: Remembering the Life and Work of Horacio N. Roque Ramírez: A Roundtable
Mile High Ballroom 1A (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: Nan Alamilla Boyd, San Francisco State University
- Jennifer Brier, University of Illinois at Chicago
- William A. Calvo-Quirós, University of Michigan
- Marla Ramirez, San Francisco State University
Unsettling Domesticities: New Global Histories of Family and Home
Mile High Ballroom 1C (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: Antoinette Burton, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- “Domesticity and Pan-American Migration in the Age of Populism”
— Eileen J. Findlay, American University - “Global Economy, Consumer Revolution, Conjugal Household: Reframing Domestic Life in the Ancien Regime”
— Julie Hardwick, University of Texas at Austin - “Domestic Subversions: Domesticity and Affective Labor in Cross-Cultural Colonial Histories”
— Victoria Haskins, University of Newcastle, Australia - “A Mahjong Mystique? Jewish American Women and the Paradoxes of Postwar Domesticity”
— Annelise Heinz, University of Texas at Dallas - “Translating ‘Domesticity’ in 20th-Century China”
— Elizabeth LaCouture, Colby College - “Incarcerated Refugees and Impossible Domesticity”
— Nayan B. Shah, University of Southern California
Women on the Move in the Early Modern World
Mile High Ballroom 4B (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- “Voluntary and Involuntary Migration: Gender, Slavery, and Travel in France’s Indian Ocean Colonies, 1750-1850”
— Sue Peabody, Washington State University Vancouver - “Female Agency and Migration in the Iberian Atlantic”
— Allyson M. Poska, University of Mary Washington - “Moving to (and Dressing for) the Early Modern City: Short Migrations and Small Problems in Big History”
— Amy B. Stanley, Northwestern University - “Protestant Women Who Travelled”
— Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
12:30 – 1:30 PM
CGLBTH Members’ Meeting
Room 604 (Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room Level)
- Presiding: Amanda H. Littauer, Northern Illinois University
- Presiding: Nicholas L. Syrett, University of Northern Colorado
1:30 – 3:00 PM
Birth Control and Population in Interwar China and India
Room 403 (Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room Level)
- Chair: Wendy Kline, Purdue University
- “Reproduction outside Nation and Empire: The Politics of Birth Control in Interwar India”
— Mytheli Sreenivas, Ohio State University - “Eugenic Dimensions of the Population Problem and Policy in 1920s-40s China”
— Mirela David, University of Saskatchewan - “The Planning of Birth and the Birth Planning: Medicalized Birth Control as Population Control in India, 1919-52”
— Rahul S. Nair, Antioch College - “The Many Children of Sun Yat-Sen: Reconciling His Intellectual and National Progeny in the 1930s”
— Joshua Hubbard, University of Michigan
In Honor of Horacio N. Roque Ramírez, Part 3: That’s His Place! Horacio N. Roque Ramírez and Queer Latina/o/x Histories
Mile High Ballroom 1A (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: Emily K. Hobson, University of Nevada at Reno
- Julio Capó Jr., University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Anahi Russo Garrido, Metropolitan State University of Denver
- David Hernández, Mount Holyoke College
- Ana Minian, Stanford University
3:30 – 5:00 PM
Constructing Childhoods: Age, Race, and Nationality in Latin American Courts
Mile High Ballroom 4C (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: Julia Ogden, Front Range Community College
- “‘A Man in Life, but a Boy in This Court’: Nationality, Age, and Minority in Buenos Aires Civil Courts, 1890-1920”
— Juandrea Bates, Winona State University - “Contentious Childhoods: Tutelage, Slavery, and Transition in Rio de Janeiro, 1871-1900”
— Nicolette Kostiw, Vanderbilt University - “Age, Nationality, and the Unequal Distribution of Criminal Justice in Buenos Aires, 1878-1912”
— Julia Ogden, Front Range Community College
Converging on the Body: Embodiment, Experience, and Performance in the German-Speaking World
Governor’s Square 14 (Sheraton Denver Downtown, Plaza Building Concourse Level)
- Chair: Kathleen M. Canning, University of Michigan
- “Hearing History: Libraries, Listening, and the Performance of Queer Kinship”
— Jennifer Evans, Carleton University - “Dancing Progress, Moving History at Hellerau”
— Ana Isabel Keilson, Columbia University - “Dynamic and Shimmering: Popular Culture, Public Women, and the Emergence of the New Wienerin”
— Katya Motyl, University of Chicago
Disorderly and Unsexed: Transgressing and Performing Gender Roles
Room 503 (Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room Level)
- Chair: Alison Kibler, Franklin & Marshall College
- “The ‘Unsexed Mob’ in the Public Mind”
— Shannon M. Smith, College of Saint Benedict, Saint John’s University - “Chivalrous or Cowardly? Suffragists, Antisuffragists, and Competing Definitions of American Manhood”
— Jessica Derleth, Binghamton University, State University of New York - “Gypsy Rose Lee and Esoteric Gender Performance in 20th-Century America”
— Jeremy C. Young, Dixie State University
7:15 – 8:45 PM
Borderlands and Frontier Studies Committee Meeting: Bordering on Belonging: Sex, States, and Gender/Queer Identities in North American Frontiers
Room 302 (Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room Level)
- Chair: Grace Peña Delgado, University of California, Santa Cruz
- Ernesto Chavez, University of Texas at El Paso
- Pamela Fuentes, Colegio de México
- Francisco Galarte, University of Arizona
- Lina Maria Murillo, University of Texas at El Paso
- Adele Perry, University of Manitoba
Saturday, January 7
8:30 – 10:00 AM
Bad Reputations: Defining and Engaging in Illicit Sex in the French Atlantic World from the 17th to the 20th Centuries
Mile High Ballroom 4B (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: Jennifer Anne Boittin, Penn State University and Paris Institute for Advanced Study
- “Constructing the Libertine in New France, 1648-1763”
— Jennifer J. Davis, University of Oklahoma - “Adultery and the Ideal of the Good Woman: Infidelity in 18th-Centry France”
— Nina Kushner, Clark University - “Uprooting ‘Flerus de Trottoirs’: Displacing Clandestine Prostitution and Negotiating Respectable Sex in Colonial Martinique, 1938-47”
— Caroline Sequin, University of Chicago
Childhood in Liminal Legal Spaces
Centennial Ballroom B (Hyatt Regency Denver, Third Floor)
- Chair: Paula S. Fass, University of California, Berkeley
- “‘The Employment of Minors Is Almost Indispensable’: Boyhood and Military Labor”
— Rebecca Jo Plant, University of California, San Diego
— Frances M. Clarke, University of Sydney - “Miscegenation Law and the Politics of Mixed-Race Illegitimate Children in the Turn-of-the-Century United States”
— Nicholas L. Syrett, University of Northern Colorado - “‘The Wolf at the Door’: Determining Entitlement to Children’s Wages”
— Jennifer Robin Terry, University of California, Berkeley
Historicizing Feminism and Patriarchy: Reflections on Historical Scholarship and Careers
Room 603 (Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room Level)
- Chair: Donna Guy, Ohio State University
- Rosemary Admiral, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Donna Guy, Ohio State University
- Amanda Hendrix-Komoto, Montana State University–Bozeman
- Ruth Mazo Karras, University of Minnesota
- Ann Little, Colorado State University
- Michele Mitchell, New York University
- Barbara Ramusack, University of Cincinnati
Queering Historical Scale, Part 1: Histories of Sex Work and Sexual Commerce
Mile High Ballroom 1A (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: Don Romesburg, Sonoma State University
- “Queer Cures: Commercial Sex Therapies in 19th-Century New York”
— April Haynes, University of Wisconsin-Madison - “Male-Male Prostitution in 1950s-70s Italian Fiction”
— Alessio Ponzio, University of Michigan - “Sepia Sex Scenes: Black Women’s Erotic Labor in Early Pornographic Film”
— Mireille Miller-Young, University of California, Santa Barbara
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Empires, Nations, Bodies: New Approaches to the Armenian Genocide
Governor’s Square 15 (Sheraton Denver Downtown, Plaza Building Concourse Level)
- Chair: Melanie Tanielian, University of Michigan
- “Imperial Russia’s Humanitarianism and the Armenian Refugees, 1914-17”
— Asya Darbinyan, Clark University - From Humanitarian Relief to Soviet ‘Development’? The Rise and Fall of the ‘Nansen’ Resettlement Schemes’
— Jo Laycock, Sheffield Hallam University - “Gendered Bodies in a Time of Crisis: Sexuality, Reproduction, and Armenian Nationhood in the American Mission in Kharput, 1914-22”
— Francesca Piana, Binghamton University, State University of New York
Governing the Body: Africans and the Trans-Atlantic Legal and Natural Landscapes of Enslavement
Mile High Ballroom 4A (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: Herman Bennett, The Graduate Center of the City University of New York
- “Slavery and the Problem of Governance in Early Spanish America, 1492-1600”
— Karen B. Graubart, University of Notre Dame - “Unhealthy Climes: Bodies and Place in Colonial Nueva Granada”
— Renée Soulodre-La France, King’s University College at Western University Canada - “Between Social Death and Racial Life: Gender and Race Governance in Colonial Barbacoas”
— Sherwin K. Bryant, Northwestern University
Mummies, Drugs, and Sexual Energy: Knowing, Collecting, and Preserving Nature in the 16th-Century Spanish Americas
Room 403 (Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room Level)
- Chair: Ryan Kashanipour, Northern Arizona University and Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, College of William and Mary
- “Bioprospecting in New Spain: Ethnobotany and the Nahua Pharmacopoeia”
— Paula De Vos, San Diego State University - “Huayna Capac’s Hand: Making Inca Mummies, and Making Mummies Inca, in the Early Modern Atlantic World, 1532-1749”
— Christopher H. Heaney, Penn State University and Barra postdoctoral fellow, McNeil Center for Early American Studies - “The Spiritual Ecology of Indian Mortality in New Spain, 1520-1620”
— Heather Peterson, University of South Carolina Aiken
Queering Historical Scale, Part 2: Queer History beyond the City: Sexuality in 19th– and Early 20th-Century Rural America
Mile High Ballroom 1A (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: Colin R. Johnson, Indiana University Bloomington
- “How Big a Scale Should the History of Sexuality Cover? Cases of Sexual Slander in America’s Early Republic”
— Kent W. Peacock, Florida State University - “Rural, Queer, Settler: Astrid Arnoldsen’s Montana, c. the 1920s”
— Emily E. Skidmore, Texas Tech University - “Laying It All on the Table: Scaling up Rural Queer History from Small-Town Wisconsin to Transnational Queer Networks”
— Christopher Hommerding, University of Wisconsin-Madison -
Comment: Gabriel N. Rosenberg, Duke University
1:30 – 3:00 PM
Edges and Ends of Innocence: Politicizing Childhood in West Germany and Austria
Director’s Row I (Sheraton Denver Downtown, Plaza Building Lobby Level)
- Chair: Pieter M. Judson, European University Institute
- “Pedo-sexuality: An Especially German History”
— Meike Sophia Baader, Universität Hildesheim - “Adult Until Proven Innocent? ‘Suspiciously Young Turks,’ Age Verification, and Child Migration in West Germany”
— Lauren Stokes, University of Chicago - “‘Singing Angels’: Boyhood, Victimhood, and the Cultural Reconstruction of Austria”
— Joanna Zuercher Curtis, New York University
Food, Sex, and Death: Medicine and Warfare in the Early Modern World
Mile High Ballroom 4C (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: John R. McNeil, Georgetown University
- “Miasma and Materia Medica in Early Modern Asia”
— Kathlene T. Baldanza, Penn State University - “Military Medicine in the Caribbean Plantation Enlightenment: Thomas Dancer’s The Medical Assistant (1801)”
— Claire E. Gherini, Johns Hopkins University - “What’s for Dinner? Beef, Bullets, and Bile in Early Modern Rome”
— Bradford Albert Bouley, Stanford University - “The Foreigner’s Disease: Syphilis and Its Cures in the Indian Ocean Region”
— Anna Winterbottom, University of Sussex
Gender and Sovereignty in a Transnational Frame
Room 603 (Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room Level)
- Chair: Max Paul Friedman, American University
- “‘The Sulu Princess We Couldn’t Tame’: Tarhata Kiram, Sovereignty, and Subversion in Philippine-US Histories”
— Genevieve Clutario, Harvard University - “The Transnational Movement for Pan-American Sovereignty and Women’s Rights”
— Katherine Marino, Ohio State University - “The Trans-Latin American Odysseys of Laura Meneses and Carlos Padilla, Supporters of Puerto Rican Nationalist Party”
— Margaret Power, Illinois Institute of Technology - “Safe for Sovereignty: Female Refugees and the Politics of Border Protection”
— Zain Lakhani, Harvard University
Queering Historical Scale, Part 3: Queering Femininity: Gender Normativity and Lesbian History
Mile High Ballroom 1A (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: Lauren Gutterman, University of Texas at Austin
- “‘Pass Right By Your People’: Femme Invisibility and Postwar Lesbian History”
— Alix Genter, The College of New Jersey - “‘Plagued with Unconscious Homosexual Cravings’: Queer Femininities, Latent Lesbianism, and Postwar American Sexual Culture”
— Amanda H. Littauer, Northern Illinois University - “‘Treacherous Sweetness’: Interwar College Girls, Lesbianism, and the Specter of Unchecked Femininity”
— Anastasia Jones, University of Toronto
3:30 – 5:00 PM
Queering Historical Scale, Part 4: Querying Metanarratives of Queer History in Modern Germany
Mile High Ballroom 1A (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: April Danielle Trask, Amherst College
- “To Finally Let Fall the Burdensome Mask: The Queer Politics of Carnival in Early 20th-Century Germany”
— Christina Carmen Chiknas, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - “The Afterlives of Sexual Evidence: New Uses for Old Sources in Nazi Germany”
— Matthew Conn, Michigan State University
Realities and Imaginings of Blackness in the Southern Cone across a Broad Scale of Time and Reconceptualized Scale of Place
Room 402 (Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room Level)
- Chair: George Reid Andrews, University of Pittsburgh
- “Lightening Not Whitening: Beyond the Myth of Black Disappearance in Cordoba, Argentina 1776-1853”
— Erika Edwards, University of North Carolina at Charlotte - “Images of Blackness and African Descent in the Argentinian Press from Revolution to Abolition, 1810-53”
— Magdalena Candioti, Universidad Nacional del Litoral - “The Sexual and Racial Politics of Performing Blackness in Mid-20th-Century Chilean Cabarets”
— Carson Morris, University of New Mexico
Women’s Agency and Embodied Experiences in Defining Sex, Childbirth, and Reproduction: Guatemala, Brazil, and Chile, 1800-1970
Room 201 (Colorado Convention Center, Meeting Room Level)
- Chair: Gabriela Soto Laveaga, Harvard University
- “Embodiment, Sexuality, and ‘Hermaphrodites’ in a Colonial Archive: Juana Aguilar on Trial, Guatemala 1802”
— Martha Few, University of Arizona - “From Zipper Ring to Tatum T: Intra-Uterine Devices, Men of Science, and Women in Need”
— Jadwiga E. Pieper Mooney, University of Arizona - “Giving Birth in the Marvelous City: Women’s Embodied Experiences of Childbirth in Early 20th-Century Rio de Janeiro”
— Cassia Roth, University of California, Los Angeles
Women’s Weapons: Gender and the Struggle for Survival in the Wartime US and Cuba
Plaza Ballroom A (Sheraton Denver Downtown, Plaza Building Concourse Level)
- Chair: Ada Ferrer, New York University
- “Forging Patriarch-Soldiers: Women and the Racial Inflections of Patriarchy in the Construction of Manly Honor in Cuba, 1895-98”
— Bonnie Lucero, University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley - “‘These Negroes Are All the Property She Has’: White Slaveowning Women and the Pecuniary Destruction of Civil War”
— Stephanie Jones-Rogers, University of California, Berkeley - “Weeping No More: The Lives and Labors of Black Union Soldiers’ Wives and Widows in the Aftermath of the US Civil War”
— Brandi Brimmer, Morgan State University - “Of Domestic and Legal Offices: Working Women’s Quests for Veterans’ Pensions in Postwar Santiago de Cuba”
— Anasa Samantha Hicks, New York University
Sunday, January 8
9:00 – 10:30 AM
California Rewrites Its K-12 History
Mile High Ballroom 1A (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: Nancy J. McTygue, California History-Social Science Project, University of California, Davis
- “Overseeing California’s Framework Revision”
— Nancy J. McTygue, University of California, Davis
— Bill Honig, California Department of Education
— Thomas Adams, California Department of Education - “The Process of Updating History”
— Beth Slutsky, University of California, Davis - “Scholar Advocacy and Incorporating the FAIR Education Act”
— Don Romesburg, Sonoma State University
New Perspectives on Marriage and Courtship in Mexico
Mile High Ballroom 4A (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: Jocelyn Olcott, Duke University
- “Company, Kinship, and Authority: Competing Claims about Marriage in Colonial Mexico”
— Jessica L. Delgado, Princeton University - “Native Marriages in the Households of Haciendas of New Spain”
— Catherine Komisaruk, University of Texas at San Antonio - “‘Cupid Did Not Arrive with the Miasma’: Marriage in Four Mexican Parishes, 1833”
— Donald Fithian Stevens, Drexel University
11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Confining Women: Labor, Motherhood, and Resistance in the 19th-Century Penitentiary
Mile High Ballroom 1C (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: Theresa R. Jach, Houston Community College
- “Captive Motherhood: Pregnancy, Labor, and Imprisonment in 19th-Century Virginia”
— Hilary Coulson, Penn State University - “Born in the Penitentiary: Women and Children Incarcerated in Louisiana, 1833-62”
— Brett Josef Derbes, Auburn University - “Letters from Inside: The Prison Writing of Elizabeth Velora Elwell of Eastern State Penitentiary, 1862”
— Erica Rhodes Hayden, Travecca Nazarene University
Incorporating LGBT History into the US Survey: A Roundtable Discussion
Mile High Ballroom 1A (Colorado Convention Center, Ballroom Level)
- Chair: Amanda H. Littauer, Northern Illinois University
- David D. Doyle, Southern Methodist University
- Catherine O. Jacquet, Louisiana State University
- Jen Manion, Amherst College
- Kevin J. Mumford, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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