Despite the strong political, economic and military alliance between Eastern Bloc countries, they did not adopt a uniform position towards homosexuality.
Modern Europe
The Baroness: Imagining Madness, Marriage, and Murder in Nineteenth-Century Paris
The Baroness dramatized the relationship of disability to French citizenship and masculinity in the nineteenth century.
Johanna Elberskirchen: Sexual Radical and Woman of Her Time
Elberskirchen sounds to us today like an extraordinary voice. Yet what is striking is that she was rather ordinary.
Gay Berlin? No, Queer Baden-Württemberg
Queer history in Germany extends far beyond Berlin – that was made clear at this conference.
Italian Sexualities Uncovered
Havelock Ellis explained that it had been Italian sexological works that had first prompted his interest in sexology.
An Intimate History of German Soldiers in the First World War
Some Great War soldiers transgressed masculine gender norms by dreaming of being women.
The Catholic Church and Child Sexual Abuse in Twentieth-Century Ireland
It was their word against the word of the adults, the doers of God’s work on Earth.