We are only beginning to understand the role of “religion” in American debates over reproductive rights.
Religion and Sexuality
Reading Silences in Histories of Religion and Sexuality
How do we, as scholars of religion, interrogate the silences in our sources?
Organized Labor, Gay Liberation and the Battle Against the Religious Right, 1977-1994
What common cause could bring organized labor together with gay liberation in the United States?
Believe It: Finding Religion in the History of U.S. Sexuality
Syllabus for histories of sexuality and religion in the twentieth-century United States.
Orthodox Sex: Alfred Kinsey and the Re-Making of Jewish Sexuality
Orthodox writers sought to educate Americans about Judaism’s approach to sex.
Mainline Protestants and the Struggle for Same-Sex Marriage
Mainline Protestants’ policy decisions on same-sex marriage come out of a long history of religious debates over same-sex sexuality.
Ian Paisley (1926-2014) and the ‘Save Ulster From Sodomy!’ Campaign
Religion and sectarianism long shaped the sexualities and lives of LGBT people in Northern Ireland.