In the United States, racial divisions have long been sexualized.
Tag: history and policy
"Coming Out" in the Classroom: When the Personal is Pedagogical
What impact would explicitly identifying my sexuality have on teaching, learning, discussions and the overall atmosphere of the classroom?
(Sexual) Labour Day
Researching prostitution makes Julia Laite more of a labour historian than a historian of sexuality.
The Archbishop’s Argument: Anglicanism, Homosexuality, and Colonial Complexities
It is a curious and powerful discursive move to link the murder of hundreds of people in Nigeria to the vaguely described suffering of British queer people.
Male Order: Tom of Finland and the Queer Iconography of Postage Stamps
How do postage stamps contribute to a public history of queer lives and sexualities?
Disputing ‘Gay Jim Crow’: Rhetorical Appropriation in LGBT Politics
‘Gay Jim Crow’ invests in false equivalence by appropriating continued struggles of people of color in the United States.
The Gay Jim Crow – The legal history behind "religious freedom" to discriminate
Are Arizona and other states using ‘religious freedom’ to create the ‘Gay Jim Crow’?