A brief and compelling history of the international lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights movement.
Tag: lesbianism
Lesbianism and the Criminal Law: Three Centuries of Legal Regulation in England and Wales
A socio-legal history of lesbianism and the criminal law from the eighteenth century to the present.
Source Alert: The FBI’s “Sex Deviates” Files
Surviving records from the FBI’s “Sex Deviates” files are now available online.
History from the Witness Stand: An Interview with George Chauncey
George Chauncey has testified as an expert witness in more than thirty cases dealing with gay rights.
Christmas Isn’t for Queers
Christmas experiences of those stuck outside the quintessential white, middle-class, nuclear family.
Digital Witnesses: The Parker-Hulme Murder Case and the Teaching of Crime and Sexual Deviance
The Parker-Hulme murder gripped the town of Christchurch, New Zealand in the summer of 1954.
“What can I do to be normal?” Queer Female Desire in Letters to Dr. Alfred Kinsey
Many postwar Americans were obsessed with sexual normality but their stories reveal queer possibilities.