Beyond the Law focuses on the multiple ways various groups of individuals in the early nineteenth century understood what sodomy was, and what constituted an ethical response to it.
Tag: sodomy
The International LGBT Rights Movement: A History
A brief and compelling history of the international lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights movement.
“Like Man and Wife:” A Same-sex Relationship Aboard the USS Pinola
Same-sex intimacy aboard a US Navy gunboat during the American Civil War.
Plausible Crime Stories: The Legal History of Sexual Offences in Mandate Palestine
This first study of the legal history of sex offences in Mandate Palestine pioneers a new socio-cultural perspective on evidence: plausibility.
Rears and Vices: The Austens and Naval Sodomy
Jane Austen’s brothers sat in judgement over navy men accused of sodomy.
Searching for Sodom: Homoeroticism and the Protestant Tradition in England 1550-1850
The story of Sodom provided a context for discussions of homoerotic behavior.
“Sodomy is not Adultery”: The Clinton Sex Scandal as Queer History
Men and women could engage in a range of sex acts, which the courts recognized as sodomy, and still maintain that they had not technically cheated.