This is a story about the life of a scene at a particular historical and geographic juncture as seen through the eyes of those who brought it into being—and then mourned its passing.
The Shape of Sex: Nonbinary Gender from Genesis to the Renaissance
The Shape of Sex reveals how and why efforts to define “the human” so often hinged on ideas about nonbinary sex.
The Closet and the Cul-de-Sac The Politics of Sexual Privacy in Northern California
Not just a story of polarization between Gay Liberation and the Religious Right, this is also a story of a consensus over the value of protecting straight privilege.
The Ambivalence of Gay Liberation: Male Homosexual Politics in 1970s West Germany
Gay liberation was never only about pride.
Queering Romantic Engagement in the Postal Age: A Rhetorical Education
On the everyday rhetorical ingenuity of queer romantic letter-writing practices in the nineteenth-century United States.
The Shapes of Fancy: Reading for Queer Desire in Early Modern Literature
The Shapes of Fancy stages an impassioned defense of the inherently desirous nature of reading.
Queer as Cop: Gay Patrol Units and the White Fantasy of Safety
In 1970s United States gay patrol units rallied around their whiteness to produce a sense of safety.