Abortion and contraception before the Pill: the case of Modern Greece.
Tag: abortion
Reporting Abortions in Post-Conquest New Spain
A sixteenth-century scribe recorded the sexual and reproductive behaviour of indigenous women in colonial Mexico.
Seeking Rights from the Left: Gender, Sexuality and the Latin American Pink Tide
How, when, and why left-leaning Latin American governments responded to the demands of feminist, women’s, and LGBT movements.
Denounced: How Modernizing Mexico Criminalized Infanticide and Abortion
In Mexico, colonial courts maintained relative silence about abortion and infanticide. Things changed in 1871.
Abortion Under Apartheid
During apartheid (1948-1990), abortion was often used as a political tool.
Understanding Zika & the Abortion Debate in Brazil: A View from 1940
Brazil now faces both a mounting health crisis and the opportunity to revise the parameters of reproductive rights.
The New Polish Government and ‘Gender Ideology’
The crusade against ‘gender ideology’ started with a letter by the Bishops’ Conference of Poland.