It’s hard to believe that we are celebrating one year of Notches! On 6 January 2014,
Tag: politics
Uncovering Cleveland Street: Sexuality, Surveillance and late-Victorian Scandal
Cleveland Street is an acknowledged milestone of London’s sexual past.
Ian Paisley (1926-2014) and the ‘Save Ulster From Sodomy!’ Campaign
Religion and sectarianism long shaped the sexualities and lives of LGBT people in Northern Ireland.
Born This Way? Sexual Science and the Invention of a Political Strategy
The ‘born this way’ argument has also been subjected to substantial criticism.
Thatcher and Homosexuality: Waiting for Section 28
There was an exquisite cruelty about the way her remarks were directed towards the opposition Labour Party.
The Queer Caribbean: Conflicting Uses of the Colonial Past
Both anti-discrimination and pro-gay activists appeal to features of a pre-colonial past.
Hirsute Phoenix: Conchita Wurst, Beards, and the Politics of Sexuality
Conchita Wurst’s beard queers the predictable image of female pop singer and calls directly to the constructed nature of gender performances.