I am interested in the potential of digital media as a way to engage students.
Empire and Colonialism
A Chile is Never Just a Chile: Food & Sex in Mexico Before & After Colonization
Eating and reproduction are crucial biological processes that are fraught with emotional meanings.
“When Sex Threatened the State”: An Interview with Saheed Aderinto
Aderinto argues that the British perceived prostitution as evidence of African “primitiveness.”
Mau Mau, anti-colonialism and "female genital mutilation"
Female genital mutilation and postcolonial struggles are in fact intimately and historically linked.
The Queer Caribbean: Conflicting Uses of the Colonial Past
Both anti-discrimination and pro-gay activists appeal to features of a pre-colonial past.
The Archbishop’s Argument: Anglicanism, Homosexuality, and Colonial Complexities
It is a curious and powerful discursive move to link the murder of hundreds of people in Nigeria to the vaguely described suffering of British queer people.
India’s Section 377: India, Britain and the ongoing legacies of imperialism
The legacy of imperial Victorian sexual mores continue to haunt the lives of gay people in India and large parts of former British colonies.