Benjamin Franklin’s dalliances with a cod may not seem particularly notable, given his other exploits.
Food and Sexuality
“This is Your Pasty”: The Performance of Queer Domesticity in Small-Town Wisconsin
Two queer men elevated the simple pasty to a luxurious, gourmet meal.
The Hunger of the Finnish Bachelor: Married Men, Desire & Domesticity in 20th Century Finland
Summer widowers might attempt to recapture the erotic possibility of their single days.
Sex & Food in the Nineteenth-Century American Metropolis
Scandal erupted in a Philadelphia marketplace one Saturday morning in August 1839.
A Chile is Never Just a Chile: Food & Sex in Mexico Before & After Colonization
Eating and reproduction are crucial biological processes that are fraught with emotional meanings.
Food and Sex Through the Ages
Expressing interest in both the history of food and the history of sexuality still has the power to raise eyebrows.
Tempests and Teapots: Sexual Politics and Tea-Drinking in the Early Modern World
The American Revolution is impossible to understand without food and sex at its center.