Mass incarceration cannot be understood without looking through the lenses of gender and sexuality.
Tag: policing
The FBI, Sexual Predators and the Mann Act
The Mann Act protected women from “human vultures who fatten on the shame of innocent young girls.”
Histories of Sexuality and the Carceral State—Part 2
How do race, gender, and sexuality intersect in order to shape policing and imprisonment?
‘Every time I see a cock I go funny’: what regional studies bring to histories of sexuality
When sexual desire was not attached to notions of sexual identity.
Histories of Sexuality and the Carceral State–Part 1
What can histories of sexuality and gender tell us about the carceral state?
Gay Politics and Police Politics in the American City
Postwar law enforcement leaders rarely prepared patrol officers for policing of gay and lesbian people.
Drunk Canadians in London, November 1916
The sexual history of war lies at the very heart of the history of war itself.