Can an archive offer “proof” that historians often seek out?
Tag: queer history
Sex, Soldiers and the South Pacific
Queer Identities in Australia in the Second World War.
‘Every time I see a cock I go funny’: what regional studies bring to histories of sexuality
When sexual desire was not attached to notions of sexual identity.
Queer Terminology: LGBTQ Histories and the Semantics of Sexuality
How do we find, describe and contextualise histories of same-sex love and gender identity?
“Sodomy is not Adultery”: The Clinton Sex Scandal as Queer History
Men and women could engage in a range of sex acts, which the courts recognized as sodomy, and still maintain that they had not technically cheated.
Scottish Storytelling Sessions: Queer History, Community and Archives
Oral history faces the challenge of bridging the divide between the observer and the observed.
Truly Ugandan: Martyrs, Pope Francis, and the Question of Sexuality
Francis obscured both the colonial Christian and queer sexual contexts of the executions.