What does the case of Catherine/Giovanni Vizzani reveal about gender identity and sexual desire in the Eighteenth Century?
Tag: sexuality and literature
The Reputation of Edward II
Edward’s medieval and early modern afterlife was significantly shaped by the influence of literary texts and techniques.
‘She rose in the Morning of a contrary Sex’: Stories from Early Modern Wonder Books
Early modern wonder books included stories of people who changed sex as a surprising natural phenomenon.
Virgin Whore
A surprisingly prevalent theme in late English medieval literature and culture: the celebration of the Virgin Mary’s sexuality.
Itch, Clap, Pox: Venereal Disease in the Eighteenth-Century Imagination
How venereal disease was represented in eighteenth-century British literature and art.
The Colonial Conundrum of Transsexuality in South Africa
In the mid-1970s, South African parliamentarians legalized sex reassignment surgery based on understandings of transsexualism from Jan Morris’s Conundrum.