In a diatribe delivered to the Church of Scotland’s General Assembly in 1974, Leon David Levision preached that sex without love was ‘mutual exploitation and despoliation.’
Tag: heterosexuality
Constructing the Pornographic Object of Knowledge
Contemporary pornography has become a massive archive of sexual scripts. To some extent pornography has replaced sexology, psychoanalysis and sex manuals as a form of knowledge about sexuality.
Her Neighbor’s Wife: A History of Lesbian Desire within Marriage
Her Neighbor’s Wife traces the stories of hundreds of women who struggled to balance marriage and same-sex desire in the postwar United States.
Medicine, the Penal System and Sexual Crimes in England, 1919-1960s
Weston’s book is a history of 20th century medical explanations for sexual crime and medico-legal attempts at rehabilitation and cure.
‘This isn’t so boring if you can get an outside climax’: Dr Joan Malleson and sexual counselling in Britain
Archival recordings of sexual counselling sessions illuminate how sexual problems might be understood by both practitioners and patients.
Dance! Dance! Dance!: Youth Culture and Courtship at Queen’s University, 1910-1930
What can a conflict over dancing at Queen’s University tell us about sexual mores in early-twentieth-century Ontario?
Discovering Sex in the Civil War
Surrounded by death, Civil War soldiers found pleasure and fraternity in sharing erotic pictures and prints.