Men and women could engage in a range of sex acts, which the courts recognized as sodomy, and still maintain that they had not technically cheated.
Tag: heterosexuality
Sex on the Home Front: Venereal Disease and the Topography of Heterosexuality
On July 26, 1942, a solider in the U.S. military found out that he had recently contracted a venereal disease.
The Cervical Cap in the Feminist Women’s Health Movement, 1976–1988
The late 1970s and early 1980s was the historical peak of interest in the cervical cap in the United States.
Presidential Penis Politics: A Micro-History
Donald J. Trump’s penis, size unknown, has reared its head as a political issue.
“The Unreasonable Indulgence of That Appetite”: Cancer as a Venereal Disease in the Nineteenth Century
Cancer was a venereal disease to be considered alongside syphilis and gonorrhoea.
Catholicism, Contraception, and The History of Sexuality
The Commission had the potential to challenge the very nature of Catholic epistemology.
Inventing the Family Farm: Towards a History of Rural Heterosexuality
In the postwar United States, the state’s project of preserving the family farm was yoked to its project of making the modern American family.