The first critical edition of the complete correspondence of Karl Heinrich Ulrichs, a founding figure in the history of sexuality.
Tag: identity
Queering Kansas City Jazz
A hidden and forgotten aspect of the city’s jazz scene with the stories of people experimenting with gender, sexuality, and identity.
Queen and Country: Emma Vickers on Same-Sex Desire in the British Armed Forces
What is the history of same-sex love and desire in the British Armed Forces?
Queers, Homosexuals, and Activists in Early Nineteenth-Century Britain?
evidence of identity and political activism built around a positive interpretation of same-sex desire in the 1820s.
A Bit of Casual Sex Up North: And What it Could Mean to the History of Sexuality
Lots of working-class men having sex with each other in fields, behind pubs, at each others houses and, perhaps most significantly, at work.
Between the cracks: on being a historian of sex
I enjoy working in fields that defy categorization or unifying conversations.