The Commission had the potential to challenge the very nature of Catholic epistemology.
Tag: marriage
Inventing the Family Farm: Towards a History of Rural Heterosexuality
In the postwar United States, the state’s project of preserving the family farm was yoked to its project of making the modern American family.
Christmas Isn’t for Queers
Christmas experiences of those stuck outside the quintessential white, middle-class, nuclear family.
The Hunger of the Finnish Bachelor: Married Men, Desire & Domesticity in 20th Century Finland
Summer widowers might attempt to recapture the erotic possibility of their single days.
Revisiting Love’s ‘Golden Age’
Love has a history, but that its history is not quite what we thought it was.
Franca Viola says ‘No’: Gender violence, consent, and the law in 1960s Italy
Franca Viola’s abduction and rape was a watershed in improving the status of women in Italian society.
Orthodox Sex: Alfred Kinsey and the Re-Making of Jewish Sexuality
Orthodox writers sought to educate Americans about Judaism’s approach to sex.