How were “manless women” viewed in Song Dynasty China?
Asian Sexualities
Transtopia in the Sinophone Pacific
Transtopia in the Sinophone Pacific proposes a new paradigm for doing transgender history in which geopolitics assumes central importance.
‘Cao Cao loved him’: Same-sex love at the end of the Han dynasty
Same-sex intimacy was commonplace throughout the Han dynasty, including the turbulent Three Kingdoms era.
Sex, Law and the Politics of Age: Child Marriage in India, 1891-1937
Sex, Law and the Politics of Age: Child Marriage in India, 1891-1937 is a microhistory of a law restraining child marriages passed in colonial India in 1929.
Queer China: Lesbian and Gay Literature and Visual Culture
Queer China reveals a vibrant picture of queer communities and cultures since their inception in post-Mao China.
Indian Sex Life: Sexuality and the Colonial Origins of Social Thought
How ideas of deviant female sexuality became foundational to modern social thought in colonial India.
Contraceptive Diplomacy: Reproductive Politics & Imperial Ambitions in the United States & Japan
Contraceptive Diplomacy narrates a transnational history of birth control in the context of imperial struggles between the United States and Japan.