Clare Sears’ Arresting Dress examines the effects of San Francisco’s 1863 cross-dressing ordinance.
Author Interviews
“The Age of Youth in Argentina”: an interview with Valeria Manzano
How young people in Argentina asserted a new collective identity in the 1950s, ‘60s, and ‘70s.
AIDS, Sexuality and American Religion: An Interview With Anthony Petro
Religious responses to the emergence of AIDS in the United States in the 1980s and 90s.
“The Gay Revolution”: An Interview with Lillian Faderman
The Gay Revolution provides a moving account of the LGBT movement in the United States.
“When Sex Threatened the State”: An Interview with Saheed Aderinto
Aderinto argues that the British perceived prostitution as evidence of African “primitiveness.”
Red War on the Family: An Interview with Erica Ryan
1920s conservatism foreshadowed the New Right’s use of sex & gender as an organizing tool.
Out in the Union: An Interview with Miriam Frank
Out in the Union (Temple University Press, 2014) by Miriam Frank tells the continuous story of queer American workers from the mid-1960s through 2013.