The Bureau was driven by “an overarching and intense fear and loathing of gays.”
Author Interviews
The Forgotten History of Gay Liberation: An Interview With Jim Downs
I wanted to explain that the 1970s was much more than a decade about sex.
Reforming Sodom: Protestants and the Rise of Gay Rights
The forgotten history of liberal Protestants’ role on both sides of debates over orthodoxy & sexual identity.
The Religious Right and the Politics of Sexuality: An Interview with Neil J. Young
Young upends the widely-believed myths about the political origins and motivations of the Religious Right.
The Calendar of Loss: Dagmawi Woubshet on Race, Sexuality, and Mourning in the Early Era of AIDS
The politics of mourning in the early years of the AIDS epidemic both in the United States and Ethiopia.
The Manly Priest: Celibacy, Masculinity, and Reform in the Medieval Period
The story of the imposition of clerical celibacy in the Anglo-Norman realms.
After Roe: Engaging the Lost History of the Abortion Debate
Grassroots activists and politicians responded to the 1973 ruling in the two decades that followed it.