With thirty-one contributions spanning colonized contexts across the world, The Routledge Companion to Sexuality and Colonialism documents the interventions into reproductive and sexual lives that upheld colonial projects.
Tag: colonial history
Indian Sex Life: Sexuality and the Colonial Origins of Social Thought
How ideas of deviant female sexuality became foundational to modern social thought in colonial India.
Reporting Abortions in Post-Conquest New Spain
A sixteenth-century scribe recorded the sexual and reproductive behaviour of indigenous women in colonial Mexico.
Gender, Power and Sexual Abuse in the Pacific
A microhistory of a child sexual abuse case in the South Seas Mission of the London Missionary Society.
Truly Ugandan: Martyrs, Pope Francis, and the Question of Sexuality
Francis obscured both the colonial Christian and queer sexual contexts of the executions.
A Chile is Never Just a Chile: Food & Sex in Mexico Before & After Colonization
Eating and reproduction are crucial biological processes that are fraught with emotional meanings.
India’s Section 377: India, Britain and the ongoing legacies of imperialism
The legacy of imperial Victorian sexual mores continue to haunt the lives of gay people in India and large parts of former British colonies.