Early modern travellers found Sweden’s saunas both exotic and erotic, but local attitudes were more complicated.
Tag: early modern
CFP: Histories of Magic and Sexuality
How have perceptions of magic shaped sexuality, love, and reproduction?
“She was both Poxt and Clapt together”: Confessions of Sexual Secrets in Eighteenth-Century Venereal Cases
Sexual secrets were nothing new in the 1700s, but confessing them to a doctor became surprisingly common.
Women’s Experiences in Fornication and Paternity Suits in Massachusetts, 1740-1800
Women’s confessions and paternity suits reveal a host of information about the sexual lives of early Americans.
Sexual Curiosities? Aphrodisiacs in early modern England
Aphrodisiacs were widely understood to be a central component in the fight against infertility.
The Allure of the Castrato
An introduction to one of the sex symbols of the eighteenth century: the castrato.