What impact would explicitly identifying my sexuality have on teaching, learning, discussions and the overall atmosphere of the classroom?
Tag: homosexuality
Hirsute Phoenix: Conchita Wurst, Beards, and the Politics of Sexuality
Conchita Wurst’s beard queers the predictable image of female pop singer and calls directly to the constructed nature of gender performances.
“Cow protection or Gay protection?” LGBT rights, “Hindu” tradition and the Indian elections
Gender and sexuality has had an important role in recent public debates in India.
The Archbishop’s Argument: Anglicanism, Homosexuality, and Colonial Complexities
It is a curious and powerful discursive move to link the murder of hundreds of people in Nigeria to the vaguely described suffering of British queer people.
Beards, Real Men, and Poseurs: male sexuality and fashion since around 1900
Male fashion has long been central to the way we define what it means to be a ‘real’ man.
Disputing ‘Gay Jim Crow’: Rhetorical Appropriation in LGBT Politics
‘Gay Jim Crow’ invests in false equivalence by appropriating continued struggles of people of color in the United States.