How do we think about sexual freedom in a way that is capacious enough to include countries that have not had a sexual revolution?
Tag: women’s sexuality
Telling Abortion Stories
When it comes examining the history of women’s access to abortion, stories matter.
Die Bi(e)! Reading Bisexual Women’s History
Female bisexuality generates both particularly intense anger and fetishization that demand greater historical attention.
Rethinking Early Modern Women’s Masturbation
Why is women’s masturbation absent from most studies examining sexual practices of early modern people?
Collecting Riot Grrrl: Sexual Awakening in NYU’s Punk Archive
NYU’s Riot Grrrl Collection is that of a movement that provided a new path for young women’s sexuality
Denounced: How Modernizing Mexico Criminalized Infanticide and Abortion
In Mexico, colonial courts maintained relative silence about abortion and infanticide. Things changed in 1871.
“A Poison to the Race”: Women, Foreigners and VD in Modern Japan
Japanese “AIDS panics” characterized women as the carriers of foreign-born sexual diseases.