The schoolhouse has long been a crucible in the construction and contestation of “family values.”
Race and Ethnicity
The Other Half Has Never Been Told: AIDS and African-American History
AIDS in black America is not only the result of poverty and inequality, but also reinforces racial inequities by constraining black opportunity.
Masters of Sex: Race, Racism and Responses to Masters and Johnson
Conversations about how sexual scientists in the past perceived racial and sexual similarities and differences.
Sex, race and censorship in Cuba: Historicising the P.M. affair
A short experimental film has gone down in history as the catalyst for one of the early crises of the Cuban Revolution.
Rethinking Bussing in the 1970s: The Sexual Politics of School Integration in the United States
In the United States, racial divisions have long been sexualized.
Individual Freedom as Misappropriation: Race, Sexuality and the Use of Civil Rights History
The argument that individual rights is the natural legacy of civil rights has long been a staple of American conservatism.
Disputing ‘Gay Jim Crow’: Rhetorical Appropriation in LGBT Politics
‘Gay Jim Crow’ invests in false equivalence by appropriating continued struggles of people of color in the United States.