As Movember passes into Decembeard Notches is showcasing facial hair.
Tag: cultural history
Sex & Food in the Nineteenth-Century American Metropolis
Scandal erupted in a Philadelphia marketplace one Saturday morning in August 1839.
Food and Sex Through the Ages
Expressing interest in both the history of food and the history of sexuality still has the power to raise eyebrows.
Sexuality, Family Planning, and the British Left: An Interview with Stephen Brooke
A sweeping account of sexuality and socialism in twentieth century Britain.
The Case of the Sultry Mountie, or, We Need to Talk about Cecil
How do we discern a queer life from incomplete personal effects whose existence and content are often mediated by other family members?
Oral Histories and Alternative Archives: Disrupting the Boundaries of Queer Identities, Cultures, and Politics
As historians, how does the past speak to us, and when it does, how do we listen?
The Sex Institute on Euston Road
One of the most significant threads the “Institute of Sexology” unwinds is the intertwined development of sexology and ways female sexuality was perceived.