How was prostitution represented in Imperial Russia?
Tag: female sexuality
Divine, Demonic and Disordered: Women without Men in Song Dynasty China
How were “manless women” viewed in Song Dynasty China?
Lady Chatterley’s Lover: A Queer Case
The Chatterley trial hinged on the disavowing or defending of ‘deviant’ sexual acts within the novel, making it a distinctly queer case.
Indian Sex Life: Sexuality and the Colonial Origins of Social Thought
How ideas of deviant female sexuality became foundational to modern social thought in colonial India.
Reporting Abortions in Post-Conquest New Spain
A sixteenth-century scribe recorded the sexual and reproductive behaviour of indigenous women in colonial Mexico.
Contraceptive Diplomacy: Reproductive Politics & Imperial Ambitions in the United States & Japan
Contraceptive Diplomacy narrates a transnational history of birth control in the context of imperial struggles between the United States and Japan.
Using Memes to Extinguish Sexism in Poland
The feminist memes by Polish artist, Marta Frej, feature women of all ages engaging in ordinary everyday tasks. But don’t be fooled, the messages included in the memes are powerful and revolutionary.